Sunday, September 28, 2014

What's this All About: Beliefs


What are beliefs? Well, anything you believe :)

Why are they important? Some beliefs, if not all, affect how you see things and your actions (and inactions).

Since I heard you guys love repetitions, let me repeat that:

Beliefs affect how you see things, and therefore your actions (and inactions).

Beliefs into Actions

One example of this phenomenon that we encounter everyday is religion, which is essentially a belief system. One's religion affects whom they pray to, how they pray, how they behave towards themselves and others, etc.

religion and whom one prays to

Another everyday example is how one's belief about lottery & money dictates their default behaviour on lotteries.

belief on lottery into action

More examples:
  • Beliefs about people of a certain group affect how you treat them.
  • A belief on whether or not starting a business is too difficult/risky determines whether or not you would give it a try.
  • Beliefs on your capabilities determine what kind of job positions you would apply and not apply for.

Beliefs into Actions through Emotions

Your beliefs also determine your emotions in various situations. For example, believing people tolerate mistakes will make one more at ease during public speaking. On the contrary, believing just one little mistake will ruin it all will make one more nervous speaking publicly.

What do such emotions determine? Again, your default actions.

belief into emotion into speech

Not only nervous voice isn't the best and most convincing type of voice for public speaking, but also a nervous public speaker is more likely to make mistakes than a calm one.

More examples:
  • Beliefs on job interviews and interviewers can make one feel nervous during interviews, and as a result would look nervous (obviously) and would make it harder for them to concentrate.
  • One's belief that says people of a certain group are dangerous will produce fear of those people, and would make them avoid those people.


What do your actions determine? Your reality!
After all, what you say or do determines how others react to you.

Therefore, if beliefs affect actions, and actions affect reality:

Your beliefs affect your reality (through your actions/inactions).

belief to reality

Changing your Beliefs & Reality

So, what does changing your beliefs do?
  • It changes your actions and inactions.
    • Do what you want to do (that you previously unable to do due to beliefs or emotions).
    • Stop doing what you don't want to do (that you previously unable to stop, e.g. compulsive behaviours).
  • It changes your emotions in certain situations.
    • Therefore changing your actions or inactions in those situations
  • And ultimately, it changes your reality.

new belief to new reality

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